Client Content and Action Request List:

Case studies if available


List of Suggested Images Needed


   - Large high quality image for home page similar to existing one

   - 4 Images suitable for the circles 

   - Images for news articles if you have any news in mind, for starters could have one saying "New website launched".

 About Us

   - Images of you and Belinda that your happy with (we can use the ones you sent for now).


   - 5 Images one for each of the different types of services at the top of the page, if you could get them to represent the type of service e.g. for group training have a image of group training taking place that would be best. Also Portrait Images so that they dont look stretched and poor quality.

   - An image for each section to go alongside the information about the service, not the same as the 5 at the top , again it would be best if they represent the service.


Some of the images that you have already sent over will probably be ok to use in some places, ones for the homepage and top ones on the services page ideally need to be high quality images.

Client Feedback Requests:


NEW  - 12/09/17


Hi Jim / Belinda,

I have nearly finished creating the final website im just working on the responsive side of things so that it displays correctly on all screen sizes, therefore if its not quite correct on the screen that you view it on then thats why this will be sorted within the next day. The only main things that i need to change are the images that you are sorting out for various pages , what pages the 4 circles on the homepage are going to link to, if you have decided already please could you let me know so I can alter those links. And also what the 4/6 green icons under the welcome text are going to be.

One other thing is the 2 main locations that you use, If you could let me know the addresses of both of those then I can update the maps on the contact us page and replace the "Location 1" and "Location 2" with the area that they are in along with the full addresses below them.

You can view the website on the development site through the following link:

Once you have had a look if you could let me know what you think then that would be great.
